Friday, February 11, 2011

Meet Gene Wilson -- Global Training Team Interview Series (Part 2 of 4)

Name: Gene Wilson

Where do you currently live? Plantation, FL

What is your history with ReachGlobal?
  • Church planting, Quebec (1981-99)
  • Latin America Church Planting Coach (2000-2009)
  • Church Planting Director (2009-present)
What is your current position? Church Planting Director

What does that mean? What do you do? My vision: A transformational church planting movement among every people where we serve.

My mission: Develop systems and key people to multiply healthy churches.

Major goal: 100 Acts 19 places from which 2,000 church planters are developed, empowered and released.

What is the most exciting aspect of your role? Coming alongside church planting leaders and empowering them.

Have you ever been to Latin America or lived here? I've never lived there, but I've traveled extensively in Latin America and the Caribbean (including Miami!).

What excites you about doing ministry in LA? They are embracing church planting and missions more and more, and that brings us together. They naturally integrate words and deeds, physical and psycho-social needs, local and global mission.

How can you be a resource to our LA missionaries? I am coaching Mike [Gunderson] and will join him in teaching/training occasionally. I try to keep up some of my relationships with national leaders and encourage them.

How can we partner with you to enhance our ministry? Just let me know if there is some way that I can help through consulting on new initiatives, teaching or helping you make connections.

How can people contact you? or 954-915-8085

Anything else? We miss the Latin America leadership team and many of the missionaries. If you are involved in church planting, we would love to receive your email updates.

There are lots of resources available at that you can check out!

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