Thursday, February 24, 2011

Missions in the Twenty-First Century: Two Circles, One Goal -- A Blog Repost

The following is the most recent blog entry written by TJ Addington on his blog, Leading from the Sandbox:

Missions has changed significantly since I grew up as an MK in Hong Kong in the sixties. My parents would leave for a term of four to five years to a place they had never been to before. Instead of Skype and phone calls there would be a weekly letter home. Our supporting churches knew only what we told them as short term teams were not an option with the high cost of travel. The world was big, travel was expensive, and communication slow.

Missions was also very local as signified by the left hand circle above. It was local because it had to be local given the realities I just described. It was also very hands on with missionaries doing the hands on evangelism and church planting. In many places where they went there were few local believers to partner with. But we saw ourselves as the practitioners, the doers! We also replicated our own brands, Methodist, Free Church, Presbyterian, Covenant - all the brands we had in the west. Huge strides were made for the gospel in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

We live, however in a very different world today. Travel is cheap, communication instantaneous for much of the world: it is a small, flat interconnected world. Missions is accessible to even the smallest church, indigenous movements around the world are sending their own missionaries and missionaries from the west are increasingly coaches, mentors, and trainers as they develop, empower and release local leaders, pastors and church planters and serve as partners rather than the leaders.

With the rise of movements around the world, cheap travel and easy communication, there is a whole new opportunity for missions as represented by the right hand circle above. Here, we come alongside whole movements and movement leaders who may span countries or even continents, helping them do what they do, mentoring and training their leaders, partnering in whatever ways we can to see the gospel penetrate whole regions. Those who work in the right hand circle are servants who mentor, train and equip movement leaders. The potential impact is huge.

The goal of both circles is to see Acts 19 communities emerge where the gospel penetrates not just a neighborhood but a large region. Acts 19 is the story of the church in Ephesus which impacted a huge area around it. This is an intentional church planting strategy to see a saturation of churches planted. The goal is not to replicate a certain brand but to work with all evangelical partners to see His church replicated.
Often this will be in complex urban centers as the populations of the world move to the city. This requires the willingness to partner with those who are present already, to raise up local leaders from the start and to not need to own, control or count anything as ours. Paul did not, we should not.

The two circles with the intersection of Acts 19 communities was not possible in the pre globalized world. The globalization of our world allows us to move toward multiplication in a way never possible before. But it requires us to make some basic shifts in our thinking and practice:
  • From being in charge to serving the global church
  • From doing addition to working toward multiplication  
  • From replicating our brand to focusing on His brand
  • From independence to interdependence
  • From competition to cooperation
  • From owning and controlling to counting nothing as ours
  • From hands on to developing, empowering and releasing others
  • From purely local to local and regional


Friday, February 18, 2011

Meet Mark Wold -- Global Training Team Interview Series (Part 4 of 4)

Name: Mark Wold

Where do you currently live? Indio, California

What is your history with RG? I was an EFC pastor for 35 years, focusing on pastoring unhealthy churches to help them and their leaders get healthy. Then, they all started growing and impacting the world.

What is your current position? ReachGlobal Director of Church Health and Development

What does that mean? What do you do? I am seeking to help RG personnel provide training for national leaders overseas to build healthy churches and leaders in their networks.

What is the most exciting aspect of your role? When RG personnel or national leaders choose equippers that I can train so that they can effectively train the others in their networks. That is our ideal.

Have you ever been to Latin America or lived here? I've never lived in LA. I have only been to Costa Rica for the last RGLA conference, done a tour of the Caribbean Islands and Puerto Vallarta, and last spring I went as part of a RG training team to help the churches in Venezuela. It was so effective that they invited us back to do more than we were able to do in one day each.

What excites you about doing ministry in LA? I see the Lord doing significant things despite many obstacles in LA. I also see the need for training pastors and leaders to be very high as the number of unhealthy churches seems very high.

My daughter-in-law is from Peru, and we had quite a few people in our church from LA, so our interest and concern for reaching its many cultures is very high.

How can you be a resource to our LA missionaries? Each of us [on the Global Training Team] not only has a lot of expertise in (and beyond) our primary training areas to bring to the field, but we also bring proven effectiveness in cross-cultural training wherever we've been.

I can provide training to help churches and leaders discern biblical and cultural health and growth tools to help them develop their people and ministries. I will also soon be developing a website offering a ton of teaching materials for national and RG personnel to use -- something that many have asked for and become excited about.

One of our priorities is that the nationals are the leaders, not us, so we adapt and adjust materials to fit the needs and requests they make.

How can we partner with you to enhance our ministry? Let us know about areas where we can bring or secure training, and you can be the bridge to enable those doors to open.

LA has been a surprisingly difficult setting for us to get involved with, but once it happens, it will grow and bring significant help, so please make this a short-term priority for your team. It will bring long-term results.

How can people contact you? Email me at or call me at 760-406-3506 or Skype at mrkwld.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Meet John & Cheryl Fornelli -- Global Training Team Interview Series (Part 3 of 4)

Name: Rev. John & Cheryl Fornelli

Where do you currently live? Aurora, IL

What is your history with ReachGlobal? Started with RG in 2009 after being with UIM as hispanic church planters from approximately 2000-2005.

What is your current position? Narrative Evangelism and Discipleship on the Global Training Team

What does that mean? What do you do? We give seminars on orality to national leaders in various countries, training leaders to use chronological biblical narratives for evangelism and discipleship.

John is also seeking to serve for longer periods of time on church planting teams as an evangelist.

What is the most exciting aspect of your role? Multi-cultural, multi-level acceptance and the quick develop, empower and release of leaders. Cheryl especially enjoys training leaders using biblical narratives, and John especially enjoys talking to people about Jesus.

Have you ever been to Latin America or lived here? We lived in Costa Rica for 10 months while studying Spanish, and we've done short-term trips to many LA countries.

What excites you about doing ministry in LA? The teachable, humble people and the opportunity to see or hear of people coming to Christ.

How can you be a resource to our LA missionaries? We are fluent in Spanish, and we can train people how to minister to those who can't, won't or don't have access to the Word of God. 

Our workshops are multi-generational, fun, flexible, interactive and practical.

How can we partner with you to enhance our ministry? Connect us to ministry trainers who will train others.

How can people contact you? or or call us 630-768-6351 / 630-977-9588.

Visit our website:

Friday, February 11, 2011

Meet Gene Wilson -- Global Training Team Interview Series (Part 2 of 4)

Name: Gene Wilson

Where do you currently live? Plantation, FL

What is your history with ReachGlobal?
  • Church planting, Quebec (1981-99)
  • Latin America Church Planting Coach (2000-2009)
  • Church Planting Director (2009-present)
What is your current position? Church Planting Director

What does that mean? What do you do? My vision: A transformational church planting movement among every people where we serve.

My mission: Develop systems and key people to multiply healthy churches.

Major goal: 100 Acts 19 places from which 2,000 church planters are developed, empowered and released.

What is the most exciting aspect of your role? Coming alongside church planting leaders and empowering them.

Have you ever been to Latin America or lived here? I've never lived there, but I've traveled extensively in Latin America and the Caribbean (including Miami!).

What excites you about doing ministry in LA? They are embracing church planting and missions more and more, and that brings us together. They naturally integrate words and deeds, physical and psycho-social needs, local and global mission.

How can you be a resource to our LA missionaries? I am coaching Mike [Gunderson] and will join him in teaching/training occasionally. I try to keep up some of my relationships with national leaders and encourage them.

How can we partner with you to enhance our ministry? Just let me know if there is some way that I can help through consulting on new initiatives, teaching or helping you make connections.

How can people contact you? or 954-915-8085

Anything else? We miss the Latin America leadership team and many of the missionaries. If you are involved in church planting, we would love to receive your email updates.

There are lots of resources available at that you can check out!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Meet Al & Edie Lewis -- Global Training Team Interview Series (Part 1 of 4)

Welcome to the beginning of a new short blog series introducing the members of the ReachGlobal Global Training Team. An amazing resource for training and equipping national leaders, this team travels all over the world -- and would love to come alongside our team in Latin America in any way they can.

Meet Al & Edie Lewis today, and watch for future installments introducing Mark Wold, Gene Wilson, and John and Cheryl Fornelli. Discover how they can partner with you in LA to multiply healthy churches.

Name: Al and Edie Lewis

Where do you currently live? Fort Dodge, IA

What is your history with RG? We joined RG two years ago after serving as a pastor in the EFCA for 23 years.

What is your current position? Director of Pastoral Training

What does that mean? What do you do? I [Al] provide biblical and theological training for pastors around the world who cannot otherwise get training. Edie teaches, counsels, mentors and trains pastors’ wives and other women leaders.

What is the most exciting aspect of your role? I am excited about starting training networks that allow us to train national trainers who, in turn, train national pastors.
I am especially excited about pastors learning to study and teach the Word accurately.

Have you ever been to Latin America or lived here? If so, where? I have made several missions trips to Mexico while pastoring and have been to Venezuela with RG.

What excites you about doing ministry in LA? I am excited about LA pastors becoming skilled in Bible study and teaching and preaching, especially those who cannot get training presently.

How can you be a resource to our LA missionaries? I can teach or train on a wide range of biblical or theological topics, and I can train staff or nationals to set up training networks.

How can we partner together to enhance our ministry? We want to be at your service to be used however you think is best. We are willing to travel and pay our own way to help you equip your pastors in the best possible way. I have limited ability to communicate in Spanish but not enough to teach or preach.

Examples of pastoral training courses:
  • Biblical or systematic theology
  • A framework for a biblical worldview
  • Practical bible study methods
  • Teaching and preaching skills
  • Biblical counseling
  • A biblical view of marriage and family
  • Individual books of the bible
  • Other courses as needed