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Childlike Faith: A Prayer Letter Repost
The following is an excerpt from the latest Happ family newsletter. What is your special story or memory from this past Christmas?
The Sunday before Christmas, [4-year-old] Jordan made a birthday card for Jesus in her Sunday school class. On Christmas Eve, when we explained that we would be lighting the Advent candles and singing to celebrate Jesus’ birth, she ran to get her card. Then she did something that was so sweet that we just have to share it with you.
She held the card high above her head, “so Jesus can see it,” and then pressed it to her chest, “so He can come into my heart.” It was so simple and so precious! There was no doubt in her little mind that Jesus exists, no doubt that He would see her, no doubt that He’d hear and respond. Of course He’d accept her; He loves her!
That is the kind of childlike faith that Jesus urges us as His followers to have. He wants us to trust Him implicitly, to follow Him without wavering, to believe that He really does love unconditionally, and to love as He loves.
A faith like Jordan’s is beautiful and wonderful, but even childlike faith must be nurtured. It must be educated and matured, for we are not to remain as children. If we were, Paul would not have admonished the Corinthians for being unable to handle the “solid food” of his spiritual teaching.
There are millions of believers in Latin America whose faith could be classified as “childlike.” We rejoice at this statistic, but we also know that it means there is a lot of work to do to nurture and mature the faith of those believers.
The mission of LATN/ProMETA is the same as Paul’s charge to Timothy, to “entrust [his teachings] to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others” (2 Timothy 2:2b), and well it should be! We’ve witnessed firsthand the abuses that take place within the church when the people and their leaders are not instructed in the Truth.
By making it our goal to provide sound theological training to the leaders of leaders in the Spanish speaking world, we are multiplying our effect across the globe. As our students share what they’ve learned with other leaders, their congregations, their seminary students, and their families, they are nurturing the childlike faith of those around them. The Church is growing in the knowledge and wisdom of the Lord, and we believe He is pleased!
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