Monday, October 18, 2010

Blessed To Be So Wonderfully Cared For…

by: Diane Droogsma

Several years ago, my husband Jeff and I were approached by a former missionary couple who had left the field after serving in missions overseas for five years.

Jeff and Diane serving in Brazil
Their reason for leaving the field: burn-out. And they had a strong desire to minister to and serve other missionary couples, teaching what God had taught them through their difficulties of leaving a ministry that they loved and had served in so passionately.

After the chaos of moving back to the States, once some semblance of calm returned to their lives, they reflected on those five years on the field and God taught them wonderful truths from His Word. Through their debriefing classes, they gleaned knowledge that they wished they had learned before arriving on the field.

This couple’s desire was to create a State-side support group to encourage and walk alongside Jeff and me, offering confidential prayer coverage and a safe haven in which we could share. From their experience on the field, this was something they had longed for, but it had not been made available to them.We gladly accepted this precious offer and the group was named the “Senders Group.” It has been a huge blessing to us as we serve overseas and also during our home assignments. They encourage and pray for us during monthly Skype calls where we can confidentially share how things are going on the field, including family difficulties, cultural difficulties and ministry details.

As well, they are “on call” to take prayer requests at a moment’s notice and pray for the things we have shared in our monthly call. If we are going into a dangerous area, they cover us with prayer. They remember our birthdays and anniversary by sending cards and gifts. They provide for our needs while we are in the States on home assignment, such as housing, a car, cell phones, prayer, fellowship, etc. The group consists of people that have a heart to be more closely involved in our lives, family and ministry.

As missionaries, we are continually asked by supporters what we need. So many people generously offer to send things we miss like peanut butter, chocolate chips, Ziplock bags or M&Ms. I think you’ll agree with me, however, that what we really NEED is more prayer support. As we seek to further His kingdom, the enemy prowls like a roaring lion, trying to destroy all that we do in the name of Jesus Christ! Let’s not forget to utilize the body of Christ to join us in the battle!

The next time someone offers to send you something in the mail, suggest instead that they start a Sender’s Group. Give them a chance to get MORE involved in your ministry. You’ll be blessed by MORE prayer support, MORE encouragement, and you’ll feel MORE connected to the body of Christ! And you’ll be giving others the opportunity to be blessed through blessing you!

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