Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Recruiting New Missionaries -- YOU Can Help!

When we think about our needs as missionaries, we often think about financial needs, prayer needs, material needs, etc. But what about our personnel needs?

Just recently, RG LA missionary Joyce Werntz stepped full-time into the role of recruiting new missionaries for ReachGlobal Latin America -- a role that not only serves the missionary candidate but serves our region as a whole.

Joyce is working hard, traveling to missions conferences, colleges and universities, and churches around the U.S. to identify potential candidates -- passionate, talented Christ-followers with a heart for missional service. She has the opportunity to share the RG LA needs with people who are often ready to respond to God's call -- if only they knew how they might be used.

You can help Joyce in her recruiting efforts in two ways:
  1. Consider the opportunities for others to serve alongside you and your team in your country or city -- short term team opportunities, internships, or full-time missionary roles -- and tell Joyce all about it!
  2. Keep your ears and eyes open for potential candidates -- and send candidates straight to Joyce.
By providing detailed needs to Joyce, you help her to match missionary candidates with their ministry sweet spot. Two of the top questions Joyce hears as she's recruiting:
  • "What can I do as a missionary?"
  • "How can God use me (my talents/my profession/my skills) on the field?"
And by sending candidates her way, you allow her to build relationships and guide and encourage them through the application process.

Joyce is excited about recruiting for Latin America. Get excited, too, and help her help you!

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