Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009: Remembering and anticipating

Dear ReachGlobal LA missionaries,

Greetings in our Lord Jesus Christ.  I pray that this note finds you well and enjoying the opportunity to be with friends and family. 

Many exciting events have occurred within our division this year:
    - It was almost one year ago that we all came together for our area conference, a first for the Duggan family and several others who have come onboard in the previous three years. 
    - The LA arrival of Bethany Kerr, the Johnson family and the Jenkins family (Bethany is in Peru, and the Johnsons and Jenkins are in Costa Rica for language study)
    - Acceptance of the Wilson family (Jim and Melanie) and Melissa Putney, both currently raising support
    - Transfer of the McGwire family from Connect to RGLA (ReachGlobal Latin America)
    - Transfer of Gene and Linda Wilson to a similar role for all of RG and the Gundersons into Gene’s previous role
    - Reorganization of our fields into four virtual (function-based) teams: 
        - Church-based Training – Omar Rodriguez
        - Church planting and coaching – Mike Gunderson
        - Theological education – Keith Anderson
        - Holistic Ministry – Brian until a leader is found
    - Increasing relationship with non-residential country partners
    - Five high-school graduate children of our missionaries who have headed off to college
    - New opportunities in each of our six residential countries for expanded ministry impact
    - Many national leaders from Latin America attending our annual church planting and coaching clinic in Costa Rica this past November
    - Our area leaders began meeting monthly to coordinate area direction and establish priorities

And in the mission as a whole:
    - God’s miraculous intervention in preserving the life of Tim Addington following his second life-threatening illness
    - The addition of Keith Rascher as International Leader for MENA (Middle-East/North Africa)
    - The move for Rick Burke from International Leader for Europe to missions pastor in St. Louis
    - Denny Morrow leading TouchGlobal
    - Ken Warwick leading Engage, Enhance and Equip
    - Launch of a new web presence for the area:

In 2010 we can anticipate:
    - The retirement of long-term and faithful servants, the Hillis and the Oates families
    - Increased interaction with our USA-based staff and partner churches
    - Dave Rofkahr moving from International Leader for Asia to leading RG’s new recruiting division
    - Growing incorporation of holistic work into our various ministries
    - Increased use of virtual technologies (Skype, Communicator, blogs, etc.) to improve communications among our various teams and partners

As we look toward this next year I would like to encourage you to prayerfully evaluate your ministry, consider your KRAs and seek God’s direction with your teammates and leader on how the work we do can be used more fully to multiply healthy churches among all people.  I am convinced that God can use our small numbers as Jesus used the five loaves and two fish to feed a multitude.  He is able and desires to use us, his servants, to carry the Gospel to the many who have never heard it or have heard a twisted version that leads them astray. 

Much of our work is focused on developing national leaders, whether mentoring, teaching in a church environment, or through formal education.  It is clear that God has his hand on Latin America and we firmly believe that he has national leaders who will carry forward his work here and in other places in the world.  Let us continue to seek his direction in identifying and partnering with these current and potential leaders.  By equipping leaders we are investing in a healthy and multiplying Latin church movement.  This movement will be key in seeing RG impact 100 million people over the next eight and a half years.  Your work is critical to reaching this goal.  Thank you for what you are doing and your flexibility during the past five years of significant change in the mission.  God is honoring himself through your work for Latin America.

A note on communications.  The need for more and better communications is a constant theme not only within our mission, but within any organization.  We are blessed to have Melissa Putney joining us soon to take on this enormous task.  We anticipate that you will see an improvement this year in intra-area and intra-mission communications as well as developing resources to assist you in your own communications efforts.  In addition to Melissa, please pray for the Wilson and the Paz families as they raise support to join us in Latin America. 

One venue we will begin to use for intra-area communications is a new blog, ReachGlobal Latin America Staff Broadcast (  The purpose of this blog will be share area news, stories of praise, reflections from area leaders and RG updates.  I would like to encourage you to submit stories, news and reflections to share through this blog.  It will be set up in a way so that you will receive an email with each update (so you don’t have to remember to check the blog frequently). 

We are excited about the new RG recruiting division as well as the recruiting role for LA that Joyce Werntz has taken.  However, each of us should continue to ask the Lord of the harvest for more workers to join us in the work in Latin America.  There are opportunities in each of our teams as well as area-wide opportunities.  Please pray particularly for the right  leader for our Holistic Ministry team. 

Once again, thank you for your faithful service in 2009, a year of changes and great blessings.  May God grant us another year in his service that will result in seeing his kingdom grow in Latin America.

Together in His service,


Brian Duggan
International Leader, Latin America
704.708.4507 - Costa Rica office (USA number)
506.8886.7128 - Costa Rica mobile
BDugganRN - Skype, AIM, MS Messenger

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