First things first, if this is new to you… RSS stands for “Really Simple Syndication” and is a way for publishers of blogs, news, etc. to make their web content available for subscription. For example, when you add an RSS feed for a blog to your email, you are subscribing to that blog, and from that point forward, you will receive an email anytime new content is published. This saves you the time and effort of regularly checking the blog on the web, and it ensures you don’t miss any important information that is published!
To add an RSS feed in Outlook:
As RG staff members, we all use Microsoft Outlook, and there is a simple way to add an RSS to your Outlook account.
- Visit the webpage you would like to subscribe to – for our example, you can use this blog (RGLA Staff Broadcast).
- If the webpage offers RSS, you will see a button with an orange box that says "Posts" -- on this blog, this is located on the right-hand side of the page, part-way down the sidebar. Click on this button. In some situations, the site may have a dropdown list of subscription methods – in that case, you will look for the orange button that says “Atom” – usually it is at the bottom of the list.
- Click on Atom. A new page will open up – for our example, it will look like this. Copy the URL at the top of this page – example:
- Return to Microsoft Outlook.
- Go to the Tools menu at the top of the main page. Click on Account Settings.
- Go to the RSS Feeds tab in the box. Click New.
- In the New RSS Feed dialog box, type or press CTRL+V to paste the URL of the RSS Feed.
- Click Add and then OK.